Russia. No. 1 (1919).


RUSSIA. No. 1 (1919).




Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April 1919.






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 Foreword   vi
1Sir M. Findlay (Christiania)TelegraphicAug. 19, 1918Arrest of British subjects in Petrograd and Moscow1
2E. Howard (Stockholm)Telegraphic19,Armed raid on British consulate-general at and arrest of British officials and other persons1
3R. Paget (Copenhagen)TelegraphicSept. 3,Murder of Captain Cromie by Soviet troops. Informs of telegram from Petrograd2
4R. Paget (Copenhagen)Telegraphic9.Wholesale arrests and executions in Petrograd as a result of attempts on Bolshevik leaders. Arrest of Mr. Lockhart. British subjects starving in prison2
5Mr. Lindley (Archangel)Telegraphic6,Murder of Captain Cromie. Tribute to services which he rendered3
6Sir M. Findlay (Christiania)Telegraphic17,Arrest of British subjects in Moscow. Report by Netherland Minister on their present condition, and his efforts to obtain their release. Funeral of Captain Cromie. Letter appealing for help from British imprisoned in Fortress of Peter and Paul3
7Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic16,Report of murder of ex-Emperor of Russia7
8Sir C. Eliot (Ekaterinburg) Oct. 5,Informs of events leading up to the murder the ex-Emperor and other members of Imperial family. Transmits letter from tutor of Czarevitch8
9Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)TelegraphicNov. 4,Discovery of corpses in mine-pit at Alapaevsk of members of Imperial family. Fate of other members11
10Mr. Lockhart 10,Oppression by Bolsheviks of their opponents, including Socialists, abolition of right of holding public meetings, suppression of all but Bolshevik press, and of all liberty. General terrorism11
11Report by Mrs. L ______
 Nov., 1918Peasants and the land. Industrial conditions. Repression of all non-Bolsheviks. Conditions in the prisons12
 Report by Mr. H ______
 Nov., 1918Conditions in factories at Moscow. Trade conditions generally. Anti-Bolshevik feeling among peasantry14
 Report by Mr. G ______
 Nov., 1918Report on the internal situation. Growing discontent under Bolshevism18
 Report by Colonel Kimens
 Nov., 1918Report on the internal situation. Chaos and anarchy in the provinces. Confiscation of private property20
12Mr. Lindley (Archangel)TelegraphicNov. 27, 1918Comments on Bolshevik of ideas of society. Their strength lies in unlimited supply of paper money Bolsheviks should be treated like pariahs21
13Sir C. Eliot (Ekaterinburg)Telegraphic29,Murder of ex-Empress of Russia and children supposed to have been committed about the same time as the murder of the ex-Emperor21
14Lord Kilmarnock (Copenhagen) 27,Conditions in a factory in Petrograd22
15Memorandum  Report of a British subject on conditions in Moscow. The “cold terror"23
16Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)TelegraphicJan. 2, 1919Starvation and terrorism in Moscow. Wholesale murders and atrocities24
17Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic3,Dangers of famine in Europe if Bolshevik disorganisation continues24
18Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic5,Details of atrocities committed at Perm25
19Major Reilly (Chitral)Telegraphic7,Arrival of Russian refugees from Kharog. Murders by Bolsheviks at Tashkent25
20General Poole 8,Bolsheviks employing Chinese to kill officers and their families26
21General Poole 11,Methods of Bolsheviks to allay hostility abroad while campaign against the social and economic life at home continues, Treatment of women26
22Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic14,Torture and murder in Ural towns. Murder of priests26
23General Knox (Omsk)Telegraphic15,Conditions at Perm. Russians obliged to join Bolsheviks to avoid starvation26
24Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic18,Mutilations and tortures at Perm. Report of member of Red Cross Mission. Mutilations and massacres of Czechs in Ussuri district and of educated class in Kief27
25Colonel Wade (Warsaw)Telegraphic19,Chinese and Corean bandits increasing in Bolshevik forces28
26Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic23,Conditions in Perm. Bolsheviks a privileged class free to commit crime against other classes. Murder of a bishop. Closing of churches28
27Lord Kilmarnock (Copenhagen) 21,Bolshevik Central Committees absorbing all power. In Moscow and Petrograd starvation making the people physically incapable of resisting. Mobilisation of peasants. Severer discipline and continuance of executions28
28Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)TelegraphicFeb. 1,Murder and mutilation of a British workman in Northern Urals29
29Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic2,Terrorism at Lisva. Efficiency and energy of Bolshevik régime29
30Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic4,Revolt of peasants against Bolsheviks in Vyatka district. Their subsequent execution and execution of their families30
31Memorandum  Interviews with two British subjects from Moscow. Conditions in Moscow schools, factories, and shops30
32Lord Kilmarnock (Copenhagen) 3,Paralysis of the people in Petrograd and Moscow. Bolshevism losing its hold as its supply of food decline. General apathy in the country32
33Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic8,Small percentage of pro-Bolsheviks among peasantry in Ekaterinburg district. Russian working classes not represented by Bolsheviks, most of latter being Jews. Murder of labourers owing to non-support of Bolshevism33
34Sir H. Rumbold (Berne) 5,Conditions in the Ukraine. Letter from a Polish lady respecting Bolshevik reign of terror33
35Lord Kilmarnock (Copenhagen) Feb. 6, 1919Bolshevik atrocities in Esthonia … …34
36Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic11,Report from Acting British Consul at Ekaterinburg as to conditions there for past year37
37Memorandum  Interviews with two British subjects returned from Petrograd in January. Bolshevik oppression of the peasant proprietor. The Red Army. Dissatisfaction of workmen. Treatment of the middle classes. Oppression of Socialist parties on the ground of their being “counter-revolutionary.” Bolshevik plans for world revolution38
38General Knox (Omsk)TelegraphicFeb. 5,Murder of Imperial family. Further details41
39Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic10,Bolshevik persecutions and crimes at Ekaterinburg. Reports evidence of witnesses. Oppression of clergy41
40Mr. Alston (Vladivostock)Telegraphic13,Murder of Grand Duke Michael at Perm. Methods adopted by Bolsheviks against merchants42
41Mr. Bell (Helsingfors)Telegraphic12,Murder of Russian Grand Dukes in Peter and Paul fortress at Petrograd in January 191942
42Consul-general Bagge (Odessa)Telegraphic13,Danger of famine in the Ukraine. Peasants beg for assurance that their property in land be declared inviolable before they will commence sowing seed42
43Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic19,Increasing desertions from Red Army and insurrection of peasants. Massacre of priests at Osa, and of officers at Menzelinsk43
44Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic22,Details of seventy-one murders and mutilations perpetrated at Ekaterinburg during 191843
45Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic24,Details of further murders in Ekaterinburg district44
46Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic24,Appeal of Omsk Government to Democratic parties to unite against Bolsheviks44
47General Knox (Vladivostock)TelegraphicMar. 2,Report from Omsk. Conditions of railway transport. Wholesale issue of paper money. Bolshevik discipline stricter. Measures against religion45
48General Knox (Vladivostock)Telegraphic4,Ruin in Moscow : treatment of women, atrocities and mutilations in Eastern Russia45
49Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic5,Bolshevik crimes in Perm. Torture of women and murder of priests in Omsk districts45
50Sir C. Eliot (Vladivostock)Telegraphic21,All classes continue to come to the British Consulate at Ekaterinburg with evidence of murders and outrages. Reports show terrible extent of murder and pillage46
51Report by a British Chaplain at Odessa Jan.Bolshevik tyranny in South Russia in 191847
52Report by Mr. M ______ 12,Food conditions and prices in Moscow48
53Lord Kilmarnock (Copenhagen) Feb. 17,Report on Bolshevik atrocities in Esthonia. “Blood bath in Walk”49
54Report by Mr. K ______  Conditions in towns and country. Growing feeling among working classes against Bolsheviks. Religious revival50
55Report by Mr. J ______  Conditions around Moscow and in Vladimir Government. Disorganisation on railways. Apathy amongst anti-Bolshevik classes resulting from their treatment : their indifference to all but food questions Punishment of families of officers who Refuse to join Bolshevik army. Disease in Moscow. Private trading abolished52
56Report by Rev. B. S. Lombard  Results of Bolshevism in Northern Russia56
57Memorandum  Interviews with returned British subjects57
58Memorandum by Mr. B ______ Jan., 1919Progress of Bolshevism in Russia64
59Memorandum by Mr. B ______ Mar.,Present position of Bolshevism67
60Memorandum Jan.,Appreciation of the economic situation in Russia69
61ReportTelegraphicMar.,Anti-Bolshevik outbreaks77
 Appendix  Extracts from the Russian press.79


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Podcasts: Bolshevism in Russia, a reading of the Russia No. 1. Report with commentary.

This facsimile copy of Russia No. 1 was supplied to us courtesy of Mr. Jerel Mosley, from his personal library.