Jared Loughner and the Propaganda of the Left
[Because many internet sites are continually changing, all of the links below are to screenshots of the original web pages. Some whitespace is caused by flash media content which the screen capture program was not able to reproduce. -WRF]
There are many media outlets which have been trying very hard to identify the Arizona Shooter, Jared Loughner, with the "fringe right" or "neo-nazi" groups. Among such outlets are the Daily Mail (London), www. allyourtv. com, www. conspiracy. me, www. antifascistencyclopedia. com and even quite obscure sites such as my. firedoglake. com. They are all evidently clamoring to "blame Whitey". The infowars.com website has reported that Janet Napolitano of the DHS along with certain Fox News staff and others have connected Loughner to right-wing or conservative "extremist" or even "White Supremacist" groups.