Hoax or Holocaust, by Jürgen Graf

Jürgen Graf, Hoax or Holocaust - The Arguments  


For Germar Rudolf, Ingrid Weckert, Udo Walendy and Herbert Verbeke 


The author's biography!


Revisionism and pluralism: an Introduction by Mario Consoli

The throttling of pluralism 

The crisis and Man and the State 

The criminalization of Fascism and National Socialism 

The role of the Official Version of History 

Some standard criticisms of Revisionism 

At the crossroads: terror or dialogue?

The Correct and the Incorrect

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prizewinner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, in a speech in Washington in 1975 had this to say of the Soviet system which was deemed worthy of recognition as one of 'our' Allies fighting 'for Democracy' against the 'Dictators' in WW2:

The Never-ending Story

The Holocaust, the greatest lie ever invented, will never run out of innocent Jewish victims or evil Nazi perpetrators so long as there is one German - or even one White European - remaining in existence.

The lying Jews have now obtained the latest victim of their 100-year scam. (Yes, the "Holocaust" actually began nearly 20 years before Hitler came to power.) We pity 89-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, whom the Jews have had in their sites for years, and who is now unjustly imprisoned in Pennsylvania.