Mein Kampf PDF Version

Mein Kampf in English (James Murphy)

Click here to download the PDF. 

Here is a download link for a PDF version of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. This version should be the same as that found in the text presented on this site - barring any human error that as of this time may remain uncorrected - but the pagination is different. The pagination in the version found on this site matches that in the hardcover reprint of the original, which is the only hard copy in our possession (and originals cost a fortune). This PDF version also has some other variations in the arrangement of material which is superfluous to the text, such as footnotes, and it is wanting the original index. Enjoy!

Mein Kampf in English (Stalag Edition)

Click here to download the PDF. 

This is the Stalag Edition of Mein Kampf, which is said to have been the officially approved English edition of the work. We have not yet read or compared it to the Murphy edition, and therefore we still have greater trust in Murphy for several reasons. First, the Stalag edition was not even available back in 2008 when we first read Mein Kampf as it has only recently been made available electronically or in reprints. Secondly, original print copies are so rare that we will probably never get an opportunity to verify this text against an original printing. Thirdly, the Murphy edition was first published before the outcome of the war, so we trust that over other later editions for that reason alone, as not containing any post-war bias or propaganda. However lately, other later editions, such as the recent translations of Ford or Dalton, may also be free of such biases. Finally, we do not even know how or by whom this electronic edition was made available, since there is no publisher information in the electronic reprints which we have seen.

Mein Kampf in der deutschen (Mein Kampf in German)

Klicken Sie hier, um die PDF downloaden. Hier ist ein Link zur deutschen Ausgabe von Mein Kampf von der Nazi-Partei im Jahre 1943 veröffentlicht, "Zwei Bände in einem Band Ungekürzte Ausgabe Zentralverlag":

Mein Kampf Murphy 1939.pdf Downloaded 741 times
Mein Kampf - Stalag.pdf Downloaded 583 times