
Originally this was meant to be a general forum for readers of the Mein Kampf Project at Christogenea. But it received very little participation, and was probably overshadowed by the much larger Christogenea Forum. If you are a registered user here, you may still continue to comment on the topics below, or to add a new topic here

To the Turkeys at the Info Underground Forum

Thoughts I had after reading the thread about my "debate" with Jim Condit: You would all be able to think much clearer, and even perhaps to "see the light", if your heads weren't all full of jewish subterfuge and bullshit. If a jew moves his lips, he is lying. Period. I am not a military strategist, and I never claimed to be. If any of you bozos ever actually read or listened to my work before running your mouths about me, you would know that. I defeated Condit's arguments on Dunkirk by illustrating Hitler's own actions (i.e.

Hitler's Table Talk: Is it real?

(Comments updated January 8th, 2010)

I have now looked at enough of this book to know that it is an absolute sham, and that it is the design of those with an agenda interested in steering us into the jewish world view, and away from the true Hitler! The true Hitler was a Christian man defending Christianity from the jew. This book is all anti-Christ jew trash. So therefore it is relegated to this forum.