Hitler's Table Talk: Is it real?

(Comments updated January 8th, 2010)

I have now looked at enough of this book to know that it is an absolute sham, and that it is the design of those with an agenda interested in steering us into the jewish world view, and away from the true Hitler! The true Hitler was a Christian man defending Christianity from the jew. This book is all anti-Christ jew trash. So therefore it is relegated to this forum.

Hitler's Table Talk: click the image to download the PDF.

Table Talk

Not a serious title, which somewhat gives itself away as fraud.

Understanding the very nature of conflict and war, few civilized Saxons would ever of their own volition become involved with either for less than the sake of ultimate peace and serenity. After a perusal of Talmudic teachings it not at all hard to believe how the Jewish MO e.g. Zionist Bolshevism in Russia was indeed becoming a formidable threat to the Weimer Republic and all of Europe. Hitler was obviously familiar with this situation being virtually next door geographically and also informed by knowledgeable persons in his orbit of the intents of the Ashkenazim . To deny that Churchill and Roosevelt's treasonous provocations in bowing to the Internationalist Bankers (who always fund and provoke wars for gain)cannot be discounted as a primary cause of WWII would be foolish. Hitler stood upon principle as a leader of the Reich. The economic duress wrought upon Germany due to the usurious and reprobate Jewish influences would cause any person worth their weight in salt to take action and resist ! I am no scholar on this topic so please weigh in. I will say that it would offend my conscience not to give Hitler at least the benefit of the doubt regarding revisionist historians' perverted reports of this event. Too much evidence is now being brought to light with the internet which leads me to believe that Americans in particular have just gotten it all most wrong thanks to the Jew manipulated media . Having a firm foundation in Christ is the key to understanding as the entire chain of events is inextricably connected to the Battle of the Ages which shall continue in one form or another until that Day... Stand fast you men of Yahweh, it comes,even the wrath of the Almighty and it will sweep away the villainous lot of the unclean from our presence forever!

Table Talk

Right Jay, and thanks for the comments!

Hitler's Table Talk

The book in question will always be questioned. Nothing in the historical record shows us that Hitler was anything but genuine in his Christianity. Anything that Bormann and Genoud had their dirty little fingers in should be dismissed immediately as spurious.
