Russia. No. 1 (1919). - 5. Mr. Lindley to Mr. Balfour.


Mr. Lindley to Mr. Balfour.―(Received September 11.)

(Telegraphic.) Archangel, September 6, 1918.

I HAVE just received news of murder of Captain Cromie by Bolsheviks, and accusations of latter against him.

Fact is that gallant officer devoted his whole time at Petrograd to the service of his country. His first object was to prevent Baltic fleet falling into German hands ; he then helped in evacuating valuable stores, and latterly gave most of his attention to plans for preventing a German advance on Vologda. These activities, carried out for months in daily danger of his life, brought him more or less into co-operation with Russians hostile to Bolshevik régime and therefore claimed as reactionaries.

His plans may very well have included destruction of certain bridges as Bolsheviks declare. In Captain Cromie, His Majesty has lost a most gallant, capable, and devoted servant.