The Never-ending Story

The Holocaust, the greatest lie ever invented, will never run out of innocent Jewish victims or evil Nazi perpetrators so long as there is one German - or even one White European - remaining in existence.

The lying Jews have now obtained the latest victim of their 100-year scam. (Yes, the "Holocaust" actually began nearly 20 years before Hitler came to power.) We pity 89-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, whom the Jews have had in their sites for years, and who is now unjustly imprisoned in Pennsylvania.

The Origins of World War 2

The economic background to the war is necessary for a fuller understanding, before casting judgement on the originators of these viewpoints.

At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked [see Paul Johnson A History of the Modern World (1983) p24 and H Nicholson Peacemaking 1919 (1933) pp13-16] into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries in terms of the so-called Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the liberal American President Woodrow Wilson. Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the war, in spite of the fact that ‘Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.’ (Professor Sydney B Fay The Origins of the World War (vol. 2 p 552)).

As a result of these massive enforced financial reparations, by 1923 the situation in Germany became desperate and inflation on an astronomical scale became the only way out for the government. Printing presses were engaged to print money around the clock. In 1921 the exchange rate was 75 marks to the dollar. By 1924 this had become about 5 trillion marks to the dollar. This virtually destroyed the German middle class (Koestler The God that Failed p 28), reducing any bank savings to a virtual zero.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche


The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression to discuss an article from a February, 1936 issue of The Catholic Gazette, one of several Catholic newspapers in Britain in the 1930’s which had been attempting to warn people concerning The Jewish Peril, as the article was titled. Doing this, we found a modern-day critic of such literature in Ulrike Ehret, who has recently written a book titled Church, Nation and Race: Catholics and Antisemitism in Germany and England, 1918-45. While Ehret dismisses any possibility of a conspiracy of the Jews to attain world supremacy, which they have indeed since acquired – whether she notices it or not – she nevertheless corroborates for us the existence and influence of much of this type of anti-Jewish literature at that early time. As we had said, Ehret is not our friend, however her research was useful to us in that regard.

So before our latest digression, presenting Protocol No. 2 we spent considerable time in part 19 of this series discussing some aspects of the fulfillment of the boast that “The administrators chosen by us from among the people in accordance with their capacity for servility will not be experienced in the art of government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scientists and wise counselors, specialists trained from early childhood for governing the world.”

Responding to this, we explained that it certainly explains why so many men of seemingly average or even low intelligence are regularly promoted to run for the highest political offices in the nation. We can readily hold up as examples Barack Obama, George W. Bush, John McCain, Al Gore, and countless other incompetent clowns now occupying the world stage. For instance, on the trail of his first campaign Barack Obama boasted of having visited “57 states… with one left to go”, discounting Alaska and Hawaii. However there are only 48 contiguous states in the United States. How could Obama think that the United States had 60 states? Not that he was ever really an American...

For more see The Protocols of Satan, Part 21 at

The Revolution in Russia – National Geographic Magazine – Vol. XVIII No.5 MAY 1907

This article has a bias against the Czar, and surely also against Russians in general, if one considers conditions in British and American cities and industry at the turn of the 20th century. But it is nevertheless a good witness as to the treachery of the jews in Russia. Links to the original page images are found at the end of the article. Thanks to Jerel Mosley, who has supplied us with this article from his library.- WRF


National Geographic Magazine – The Revolution in Russia – Vol. XVIII No.5 MAY 1907


 By William Eleroy Curtis

 An address to the National Geographic Society, December I4, 1906. 

IN order to understand the significance of events in the revolution that is now going on in Russia, it is necessary to recall what you learned in your school days, that it has the largest area of any nation and a population of one hundred and forty million souls, including eighty million peasants. The illiterate classes constitute at least three-fourths of the population-one hundred and twelve millions who cannot read or write. During the last few years there has been a very rapid improvement in this respect by reason of the establishment of village schools, but a wise man once said that "a little learning is a dangerous thing," and his wisdom has been demonstrated in Russia.  

The Secret Holocaust


The Secret Holocaust

By Eustace Mullins

The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world. Yet these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, while a new class of international citizens, the creators of Marxist terrorism, profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world.

There were NO Civilian Extermination Facilities at Auschwitz - The Red Cross

It is a fact that one of our delegates was able to enter this camp. He approached the Commandant with a view to arranging a scheme of possible relief consignments for the civilian prisoners there. According to his impression, the camp was a type of "extensive concentration camp" where the detainees were compelled to do various kinds of work, including work outside the camp. Our delegate told us that he had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This fact corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources, i.e., that for several months there had been no further exterminations at Auschwitz. At all events, this is not a camp containing exclusively Jews....

The "holocaust" was mostly Soviet and jewish war propaganda, but it is certainly not history. 

Was Hitler a British Agent?

In 2005 Greg Hallett wrote a book, Hitler Was A British Agent, alleging that Adolf Hitler was actually an agent working for the British government. This book is highly criticized because it offers absolutely not a single of shred documentary evidence to support its allegations. Rather, the claim is based on circumstantial evidence from one Bridget Dowling, allegedly the one-time wife of Adolf Hitler's half-brother, Alois Hitler.

What's in a swastika? Nothing, if it's used by the jews!

These Kerensky-era Russian notes are decorated prominently with swastikas.

Rusian Ruble - 1: The front of a 1917 Russian 250-Ruble note. The back of this bill contains a large swastika super-imposed with a double eagle.

The front of a 1917 Russian 250-Ruble note. The back of this bill contains a large swastika super-imposed with a double eagle.

The back of a 1917 Russian 250-Ruble note. In the center of the bill notice the swastika super-imposed with a double eagle.

The back of a 1917 Russian 250-Ruble note. In the center of the bill notice the swastika super-imposed with a double eagle.


The back of another Russian 250-Ruble note, with a swastika in the center that is super-imposed by a double eagle.

The back of another Russian 250-Ruble note, with a swastika in the center that is super-imposed by a double eagle.

One side of a Russian 5000-Ruble note. Notice the large swastika in the center.

One side of a Russian 5000-Ruble note. Notice the large swastika in the center.