There were NO Civilian Extermination Facilities at Auschwitz - The Red Cross

Red Cross letter to American legate concerning Auschwitz.

It is a fact that one of our delegates was able to enter this camp. He approached the Commandant with a view to arranging a scheme of possible relief consignments for the civilian prisoners there. According to his impression, the camp was a type of "extensive concentration camp" where the detainees were compelled to do various kinds of work, including work outside the camp. Our delegate told us that he had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This fact corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources, i.e., that for several months there had been no further exterminations at Auschwitz. At all events, this is not a camp containing exclusively Jews....

The "holocaust" was mostly Soviet and jewish war propaganda, but it is certainly not history. 

The image below is a facsimile or a report from a recods archive at Arolsen, Germany, which lists the number of registered deaths of prisoners in each German concentration camp throughout the period of the war. By itself it does not prove anything. However the question must be asked, if there were well over twenty times the number of unregistered deaths, why would these 271,301 deaths even be registered?

Red Cross report, 271,301 total registered deaths in NS concentration camps.