[Because many internet sites are continually changing, all of the links below are to screenshots of the original web pages. Some whitespace is caused by flash media content which the screen capture program was not able to reproduce. -WRF]
There are many media outlets which have been trying very hard to identify the Arizona Shooter, Jared Loughner, with the "fringe right" or "neo-nazi" groups. Among such outlets are the Daily Mail (London), www. allyourtv. com, www. conspiracy. me, www. antifascistencyclopedia. com and even quite obscure sites such as my. firedoglake. com. They are all evidently clamoring to "blame Whitey". The infowars.com website has reported that Janet Napolitano of the DHS along with certain Fox News staff and others have connected Loughner to right-wing or conservative "extremist" or even "White Supremacist" groups.
This Facebook page has turned out to be a fake. Along with this, several fake videos relating to the recent shootings perpetrated by Jared Loughner have also been produced. We apologize for initially having been mislead into thinking that this page was real - and not having investigated it for ourselves but rather having trusted certain associates.
However, once we did investigate Jared Loughner more thoroughly, it seems as though this page really was not very far from the truth, although it is highly exaggerated. It seems as though there is no mention anywhere of the women in Loughner's life - except for his mother, who is reported to be a jewess. His reading seems to be both right and left - if indeed he ever read Mein Kampf - yet he may be described more accurately as a liberal, pot-smoking hippy than a right-wing extremist. See our more recent article entitled Jared Loughner and the Propaganda of the Left.
In Sword Brethren's defense, he informed us that news agencies did originally report the Arizona shooter's name as Jared Laughner, and he is correct. We have verified as much from two sources, and facsimiles of their webpages are found here for the Huffington Post and Business Insider.
But wait, there's more (as if they had to go back and do one better)...
The first page was from an online source, a Pennsylvania news site. The second page is the one captured by Sword Brethren.
Dr. Wolffsohn Delivers Closlng Speech at Zioist Congress.
THE HAGUE, Aug. 21. - The close today of the eighth international Zlonist Congress, which had been in sesslon in this city since Aug. 14, was marked with great enthusiasm. All the delegates un!ted in singing the "Psalm of Hope."
Dr. David Wolffsohn of Cologne delivered the closing speech. He dwelt upon the success of the Congress, which, for the first tlme and in spite of divergence of opinion, had, he said, united in support of the idea of proceeding by political action to practical work for the dellverance of the poor Jewish people.
Dr. Wolffsohn declared that the Jewlsh people must yet conquer the world.
Life in the Third Reich and The World Political Situation Then and Now. A speech by Friedrich Kurreck. English translation by Eric Thomson.
I am happy to inform you about our life in Hitler's time, for today's politicians and mass media are purposefully untruthful about that time. I am a Thüringer who grew up in a farming family with seven children, and I have vividly experienced Hitler's time. My profession is that of certified engineer, for which I began my studies in Thüringen. I had a scholarship, since my mother could not provide money for tuition after my father was killed by lightning. Under National Socialism, it was no problem for a member of a numerous family to obtain a scholarship plus living expenses. One had merely to fill out an application.
As the English, with genocide intent, began bombing German cities' populations of civilian men, women, children and elderly, I volunteered for the Air Force to become a pilot in order to shoot down the English terror bombers. In the course of the war, I served as pilot in a fighter squadron. After my imprisonment, I returned to my home in Thüringen, but I had to flee to West Germany, because my friends and others were being grabbed by the Communist criminals, never to return.
I completed my studies in West Germany, while earning my own living expenses. After six years of professional activities, I secured a position as chief engineer in a large West German industrial enterprise. I later founded my own development firm whose many inventions and developments enabled me to create many jobs for Germans.
Today's decline in nearly every area of German society stems from the continual failures of the postwar political system and its politicians. Postwar West Germany was rebuilt by us, the young, former soldiers who returned from imprisonment, along with the men and women of our homeland. There were also many old and fit business managers who had, during the war, managed to increase war production under the hail of English and American bombs. All of us wanted to rebuild our Germany in the spirit of German unity. The BRD (Federal Republic of Germany) was presented to us as provisional, until the re-establishment of Germany. Today, the established politicians of all stripes tacitly take this provisional, unconstitutional BRD as permanent. No established politician of today has ever acknowledged this unacceptable situation for the future. The German Reich still has its legitimate existence. It is just not functioning! The fate of our politicians whom we elected in 1933 is generally known; the Nuremberg Judgements were blatant injustice!
From The Barnes Review, January, 1996. I wrote them and asked to reproduce this article, and never received a reply. So here it is, at least until they do answer me. - WRF
If the burning of the German Reichstag brought the National Socialists to power in 1933, were the Nazis responsible for the arson? If not, who was?
By 1933, Germany was ripe for another revolution. The Moscow-backed communist revolutions of 1919 had been put down at awful cost. And then the Allies imposed "reparations" that stripped the country of its ability to employ its workers and feed its people, including a British-engineered blockade that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Germans by starvation.
The worldwide depression of 1929 hit the country, still staggering under the yoke of the Treaty of Versailles, in the gut. Food was scarce. Jobs were disappearing. Those who had jobs earned money that was close to worthless.
Self-fulfilling Jewish propaganda, crocodile tears included (wmfinck):
Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here
English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S. S. Wise New Statement on Question After War
In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of “justice and peace.”
Mr. Greenwood, who is Deputy Leader of the British Labor Party, declared that in the new world the “conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.” He added that after the war an opportunity would be given to Jews everywhere to make a “distinctive and constructive contribution” in the rebuilding of the world.
The message was delivered last week to Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chairman of the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress, by Rabbi Maurice L. Perizweig, chairman of the British section of the congress. Rabbi Perizweig arrived from England Monday evening.
Intention to Right Wrongs
Comparing the statement with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Dr. Wise declared that in a sense it had “wider and farther reaching implications,” as it dealt with the status of Jews throughout the world. He said that Mr. Greenwood's message could be interpreted as a statement of England's firm intention to help right the wrongs which Jews have suffered and continue to suffer today because of Hitler's “disorder and lawlessness.”
Mr. Greenwood, sending the Jews of America a message of “encouragement and warm good wishes,” wrote:
“The tragic fate of the Jewish victims of Nazi tyranny has, as you know, filed [sic] us with a deep emotion. The speeches of responsible statesmen in Parliament and at the League of Nations during the last seven years have reflected the horror with which the people of this country have viewed the Nazi relapse into barbarism.
“The British Government sought again to secure some amelioration of the lot of persecuted Jewry both in Germany itself and in the countries which were infected by the Nazi doctrine of racial hatred. Today the same sinister power which has trampled on its own defenseless minorities, and by fraud and force has temporarily robbed many small peoples of their independence, has challenged the last stronghold of liberty in Europe.
New World Order Forecast
“When we have achieved victory, as we assuredly shall, the nations will have the opportunity of establishing a new world order based on the ideals of justice and peace. In such a world it is our confident hope that the conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.
“In the rebuilding of civilized society after the war, there should and will be a real opportunity for Jews everywhere to make a distinctive and constructive contribution; and all men of good-will must assuredly hope that in new Europe the Jewish people, in whatever country they may live, will have freedom and full equality before the law with every other citizen.”
In an interview at the Hotel Astor, Rabbi Perizweig declared he was certain Mr. Greenwood “speaks for England.” There is a clear realization, he added, that freedom and emancipation for the Jewish people are tied up with emancipation and freedom for people everywhere. The message, Rabbi Perizweig remarked, was the subject of earnest consideration by the British Government.
“This is a declaration in behalf of the whole world,” he observed. “Here the British Government expresses clearly what it hopes will take place after the war is won.”
-From the New York Times, Oct. 6, 1940.
To Realize This Great Program, The Continent of Europe Must Be Retaken.
It is something of an axiom of Jewish life that "Is it good for the Jews?" remains the litmus test of Jewish communal activity - in other words, interest over principles. A good example is free speech. There can be little doubt that the organized Jewish community sees free speech as a problem because it may be used to criticize the behavior of Jewish organizations and especially Israel.
In Canada the response of the organized Jewish community to recent demonstrations against Israel was to attempt to invoke Canada's restrictions on free speech in order to silence their critics. The Canadian Jewish Congress complained that protests against Israel's incursion into Gaza contained images that were "uncivil, un-Canadian, that demonize Jews and Israelis." They are asking the police to investigate the matter, for referral to the Canadian Human Rights Commission which is in charge of enforcing laws that infringe on free speech. Although the organized Jewish community in Canada has strongly supported the thought crime legislation (see below), Bernie Farber, the head of the CJC, stated "we are firm supporters and believers in the need to be able to demonstrate passionately in free and democratic societies."
Because of the First Amendment, we are still a ways from situation in Canada here in the US. Nevertheless, the ADL has been in the forefront of promoting hate-crime legislation in America, and there can be little doubt that they see the First Amendment as a barrier to their interests in suppressing thoughts and speech critical of Israel and other Jewish interests.
Vladimir Putin has just made it illegal to question any aspect of the Holocaust in Russia, with a penalty of 5 years imprisonment for those who do so. Under a new law, not only is it illegal to question any official report concerning Soviet history during the Second World War. It is also illegal to question the official reports concerning the verdicts of the Nuremburg trials. Therefore the innumerable Jewish lies concerning the so-called Holocaust are upheld by law in Putin's Russia.
What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland; so that our people may be enabled to fulfil the mission assigned to it by the Creator.
If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks. - Mein Kampf, p. 200