Speer's "Inside the Third Reich" is Useless Drivel

If merely the Foreword of Albert Speer's 1969 memoir Inside the Thrid Reich is little but useless drivel, the book cannot be trusted. Here we will add some comments following the various paragraphs in Speer's Foreword to his book, as it was translated into English by Richard and Clara Winston and published by The MacMillan Company.

Speer begins:

The "Super-Race" of anti-semitic Germans and their pitiable victims the Jews, in 1915?

All of the lies and propaganda of the parasitical war-mongering Jews which was effective against Germans during and after the Second World War had already been tried in the First.

From The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, December 4th 1915 (with a few spelling corrections):

"According to information from Russia, the condition of the Jews in Poland is daily getting worse. Russian Poland contains a larger number of Jews than all the countries of the world together, and those six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are today the most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany and which have been too often propagated by the Jewish publicists themselves. Anti-Semitism has been rife in every country, but only in Germany has it been preached as a systematic doctrine. The same national historian, Treitschke, who was the champion of Prussian militarism, has also been the father of German anti-Semitism. And yet leading Jews like Miximilan Harden, Dernberg, and Wolff are still defending the righteous German war, and are still loyal to the Super-race."

Courtesy of our friend Otto S.

The Bolsheviki - Who They Are and What They Believe

This article was originally titled "The Bolsheviki, who they are and what they believe" and appeared in a publication  called World's Work, in October of 1918. The unnamed writer of the article, and apparently the publication itself, seemed to have Bolshevik sympathies, but by Wikipedia they are considered "a monthly magazine that covered national affairs from a pro-business point of view." Of course, Bolshevism failed miserably, living up to none of the hype offered up in this and other early writings. Marxist doctrine fails whenever it is tried, and has never succeeded anywhere. Yet the article is very informative, telling us exactly the nature of the people behind Bolshevism. Thanks again to Mr. Jerel Mosley, who provided this document from his personal library. - WRF



Nearly all the Leaders Jews from New York - How Smolny Institute, the Capitol of Russia,

Is Conducted - The Economic Doctrines of the Bolsheviki

This article is compiled from the first-hand experiences of a New York business man, whose name is withheld for obvious reasons.- THE EDITORS

THERE are three questions that constitute the puzzle of the day. They are:

Who are the Bolsheviki leaders?

What do they believe - just what is their theory of government? Is it Socialism or Anarchism or what?

Just exactly how do they administer the government?

I have just returned from Russia. I was there when the Bolsheviki came into power. I attempted to do business in Petrograd, Moscow, and Kiev for a year. First and last I have met and had dealings with most of their leaders, hundreds of their underlings, and talked to every "workman and soldier" I could. Keeping scrupulously to facts within my own observation and experience, I will attempt to answer these questions plainly and directly.

The Correct and the Incorrect

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prizewinner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, in a speech in Washington in 1975 had this to say of the Soviet system which was deemed worthy of recognition as one of 'our' Allies fighting 'for Democracy' against the 'Dictators' in WW2:

The Jew At Home

Christogenea.org plans shortly to have this book available in text. This is a facsimile copy of a very rare book, The Jew at Home, by Joseph Pennell, published by Appleton & Company, NY, 1892. It was from a book photocopied at a San Diego library many years ago, but it is quitre readable, and quite interesting!

The Jewish War of Survival


-- 1945 --


[Or perhaps: How Britain and America Saved the Devil (WRF)]

I stood, as Mr. Richard Stokes, M. P., stood, for a negotiated peace, but, possibly, on vastly different grounds. Mr. Stokes was not interned, because he will not face the Jewish Menace. Since the beginning of the War, I did what little I could in favour of a negotiated peace, no matter which side was for the moment on top. I believe that the War was, from the National standpoint, a disaster -- wrong and unnecessary. For holding similar views on other wars contemporary to them, such well-known men as: Pitt, Fox, Bright, Lloyd George, Ramsay MacDonald and the present Home Secretary Herbert Morrison were not interned. There is of course a difference in my case, as I am attacking the Jews and they were not, and the Jew holds supreme power.

I have attacked the Jews before and won a great moral victory over them. The Jews had me imprisoned for six months in 1936 for what was said to be a "public mischief" in that I mentioned in my paper, "The Fascist," the subject of Jewish Ritual Murder. Evidently judging me by their own standards, they thought to frighten me into silence. When I came out of prison I published a book on the subject, and they honoured me by maintaining a silence so intense that it could almost be heard! They were afraid to advertise it by taking another action against me. I defied them successfully and the book has since been distributed all over the world. I hope therefore to do it successfully again.

This War was Jewish and has never had any other object than the salvation of the Jews from Hitler. The first nine chapters of this book disprove the "causes" given from time to time by politicians and others for our being in a War which even the ignorant mob had sensed and labelled "phoney." The Tenth Chapter deals with a half-truth prevalent amongst the better-informed. The rest of the book completes my case that the War was Jewish and that Britain was forced into it for Jewish purposes. The world has only seen one more stupendous bluff than this war, and that was Jewish too.

The Lies of Otto Strasser and Douglas Reed, Part 1

As to what follows, I wish I'd have had this information for last night's (July 20th, 2011) discussion with Jim Condit Jr. This is why it is difficult to believe anything written about Hitler by the jews and the (their) "allies" during and after the war. For every jew writing or saying something about World War II, there is an agenda usually intending to exacerbate "holocaust" stories, demonize Hitler, make him into a hypocrite,and fully discredit his philosophies – which are what the jews truly fear about him.

Last night Condit brought up Otto Strasser - whom I admittedly do not know much about - and Douglas Reed's book about him (Nemesis? The Story of Otto Strasser published in 1940). Looking at Reed's book (see the attached file below to download it here), I would naturally not know much about it under any circumstances, since five minutes with the introduction and opening chapters displays Reed to have a strong anti-Hitler bias and a total lack of objectivity. Therefore Strasser is the ideal subject, as Reed himself admits but not in quite the same manner as I will accuse him here, by which he could write a book merely for the sake of attacking Hitler. The excerpts below are a perfect example of lies made with an agenda, passed off as legitimate "history". We will see passages both from Reed's book, and also from Mein Kampf, along with a few comments.

The Never-ending Story

The Holocaust, the greatest lie ever invented, will never run out of innocent Jewish victims or evil Nazi perpetrators so long as there is one German - or even one White European - remaining in existence.

The lying Jews have now obtained the latest victim of their 100-year scam. (Yes, the "Holocaust" actually began nearly 20 years before Hitler came to power.) We pity 89-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, whom the Jews have had in their sites for years, and who is now unjustly imprisoned in Pennsylvania.

The Origins of World War 2

The economic background to the war is necessary for a fuller understanding, before casting judgement on the originators of these viewpoints.

At the end of the First World War, Germany was essentially tricked [see Paul Johnson A History of the Modern World (1983) p24 and H Nicholson Peacemaking 1919 (1933) pp13-16] into paying massive reparations to France and other economic competitors and former belligerent countries in terms of the so-called Treaty of Versailles, thanks to the liberal American President Woodrow Wilson. Germany was declared to be solely responsible for the war, in spite of the fact that ‘Germany did not plot a European war, did not want one, and made genuine efforts, though too belated, to avert one.’ (Professor Sydney B Fay The Origins of the World War (vol. 2 p 552)).

As a result of these massive enforced financial reparations, by 1923 the situation in Germany became desperate and inflation on an astronomical scale became the only way out for the government. Printing presses were engaged to print money around the clock. In 1921 the exchange rate was 75 marks to the dollar. By 1924 this had become about 5 trillion marks to the dollar. This virtually destroyed the German middle class (Koestler The God that Failed p 28), reducing any bank savings to a virtual zero.