Bolshevism in Theory and Practice

My Führer! Your Excellencies! My Honourable Guests Fellow Members of the National Socialist Party!

The fact that the phenomenon of Bolshevism as represented by the theory of Marx and put into practice by the Russian Soviet State is still engaging the attention of political circles in Western Europe, as a theoretical phenomenon and a political reality which civilized people ought to take into account intellectually as well as politically, shows that there is a fatal lack of insight into the nature and essential structure of international Bolshevism. What is called Bol­shevism has nothing whatsoever to do with what we under­ stand by "ideas" and an "outlook on life" (Weltanschauung) in general. It is nothing but a pathological and criminal kind of madness, devised by Jews, as can well be proved, and led by Jews who aim at destroying the civilized nations of Europe and at founding a Jewish-international world regime that would subject all nations to their power.

Bolshevism could have had its origin only in the Jewish brain and the sterile asphalt of the metropolis alone made it possible for this thing to grow and spread. It could only be accepted by a species of mankind that had been morally and economically shattered by the war and the economic crisis