Jud Suss

Jud_Suss_E.mp4 Downloaded 1203 times
JudSuss.mp4 Downloaded 114 times

Jud SussBefore downloading the files above: Jud_Suss_E.mp4 is high-quality and over a Gigabyte in size. That is the one in the player on this page. JudSuss.mp4 is a much lower quality and about 250 Mb.

"The Jew Süss" or perhaps even "The Sweet Jew": Some Jews have called it "The most successful anti-Semitic film the Nazi's ever made". We think that if the caricature fits, wear it! This movie was made in Germany in 1940.

The heart of one lustful man is so easily persuaded by the jew, and there follows the entire principality!

The original video hosted here was replaced with one of higher quality on August 29th, 2010.