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Sylvia Stolz: Truth in Germany Being Persecuted Once Again

This transcript below is originally from

"Sylvia Stolz [Posted on] By: a guest on Jan 16th, 2013"

Banned Speech, banned evidence and banned legal defence.

The reality of "Free Speech"

Our last speaker of the day will be lecturing on banned speech, banned evidence and even a ban on legal defence in court. On top of everything else, being banned from defending yourself in court constitutes a particularly  disturbing problem. This speaker is a fully qualified lawyer and throughout her lecture I find it of particular importance, that we don't let our judgement be influenced by what our eyes and ears have already been shown or told.

She really made the headlines a few years ago, as a defense attorney. So let me briefly explain with whom we are dealing with. This defense attorney has the courage of the lion. She is stronger than a man, and I have never met a woman with such a profile. She bravely stood up and took it upon herself to defend Ernst Zündel in the famous case against him, for so-called 'holocaust denial' She was the trial lawyer of Ernst Zündel During the legal proceedings she provided evidence to the court, which could raise doubts regarding the official account of history. This caused furor in the courtroom. And she was prohibited from speaking any further. This speech-ban was ordered as she was presenting the arguments of the defendant. She was not allowed to argue the case, and barred from listing more evidence.

She ignored the speech-ban and continued to submit evidence. And was then threatened on pain of penalties if she persisted. As it became too much for the authorities, she was arrested right there in the courtroom during her defence of the so-called 'holocaust denier' Ernst Zündel. But not even this could silence her, as she continued to speak the case of her defendant while being forcefully removed from the courtroom. For this she was imprisoned for almost three and a half years, in spite of her having no previous convictions.

The Last Days of the Big Lie - Revised

This video seems to be a revision of the one we had found and posted here originally, for which see The Last Days of the Big Lie. This video is labelled "revised", but we really do not know which version is the latest, or if either represent an original. This version was found at Youtube.

We do not know anything about Eric Hunt, the maker of these videos. He is said to have filed a lawsuit against the Jewish perpetuator of a million lies, Steven Speilberg which, for good reason, was not well-received and rather criticized at CODOH. Not to say that Hunt had any bad intentions. We have frequently attempted, but cannot get to his websites, or One of Eric Hunt's sites which is up right now (December 5th, 2016) is Questioning the Holocaust.

The Origins of Holocaustianity

We do not agree with the theory espoused in this video where it connects the Holocaust religion to Frank Collin. Elie Wiesel was publishing his lies long before Collin came alone, and I remember having to read his book, Night, in high school in 1975 - or maybe it was early 1976.

But the presenter does make some good points, and evidently Collin was also a Jew psy-op, being a Jew himself.