For our listing of other, more general videos see the Mein Kampf Project Video Library.

Ursula Haverbeck: Ich Bin Ursula

Ursula Haverbeck points out that with mainstream historical authorities now accepting that Auschwitz was not the scene of the murder of millions of Jews in homicidal gas chambers, there is no established "scene of the crime". She has challenged official bodies including ministers of the various German states (Länder) to provide an answer – to define the scene of the crime. They have so far failed to do so, and she must therefore conclude that there is no substantiation to the official history of Auschwitz.

Ich bin Ursula - Je suis Faurisson

Video source here:

Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles

Ursula Haverbeck is a brave woman to risk prison saying what she has said here on German television. The truth cannot be suppressed forever.

The interviewer just can't handle the notion that there was no holocaust. Discussing the last days of the prison camps, what had happened in Germany in the closing months of the war, it starts to get comical. His entire frame of reference is based on the conveniences of modern life, and he obviously has no capacity to think outside of that.

When it says what you want to hear...

In the first video below, we see Ronald Reagan denying a charge of 6 million people being placed in concentration camps. This video clip, rather comcise, has been circulating as evidence related to Reagan's position on the events (or better, non-events) of World War Two. We jumped on it before having taken the time to check it out, and primarily because it says just what we like to hear. However in reality, Reagan's disclaimer has nothing to do with Germany and the jews!

Rather, we have learned that Reagan's remarks for part of a program which he did, along with Bobby Kennedy, that was a panel discussion of the political situation in South Vietnam in 1967! And this is fully evident in the second video below, which is currently on Youtube at

This was brought to our attention by our friends at the National Socialist American Labor Party

Reagan-and-RFK-1967.mp4 Downloaded 4 times