The Life and Times of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


This video was originally posted on Youtube and appears here courtesy of Cultured-Thug.

Romanian politician Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was in 1923 the co-founder of a party called the National-Christian Defense League, a Christian nationalist organization, and later in 1927 founder and leader of a party called the Iron Guard. While he errantly believed that he himself was chosen by God to save Romania from the hands of the devil, he was certainly ahead of his time when he said that "A country has the Jews if deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins."

This is absolutely true. The modern Jews, who are the children of those who created ancient wonders such as Sodom and Gomorrah, are the world's oldest panderers. But they can only thrive when the societies which they infiltrate accept their sins, and are willing to join in them for themselves.

Finally achieving success in the elections of 1937, his rise to power was obstructed by the moderate Romanian King Carol II, upon which Codreanu was imprisoned and unlawfully assassinated by Romanian military police.

A PDF copy of an English translation of Codreanu's book, "For My Legionaries", as well as another video, Who is Corneliu Codreanu?, has been posted here since early 2010.

Who is Corneliu Codreanu?

WhoisCorneliuCodreanu.mp4 Downloaded 48 times

 Click here for a PDF copy of "For My Legionairres" by Corneliu Codreanu

From Wikipedia:

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu; born Corneliu Zelinski and commonly known as Corneliu Codreanu; (September 13, 1899 – November 30, 1938) was a Romanian politician of the far right, the founder and charismatic leader of the Iron Guard or The Legion of the Archangel Michael (also known as the Legionary Movement), an ultra-nationalist and violently antisemitic organization active throughout most of the interwar period. Generally seen as the main variety of local fascism, and noted for its mystical and Romanian Orthodox-inspired revolutionary message, it grew into an important actor on the Romanian political stage, coming into conflict with the political establishment and the democratic forces, and often resorting to terrorism. The Legionaries traditionally referred to Codreanu as Căpitanul ("The Captain"), and he held absolute authority over the organization until his death.