Miscellaneous National Socialist Videos
Hitler Youth in Color
Der Deutsche Reichstag Zu Nuernberg
The German Reichstag To Nuremberg
1937 - Kavalleristen-tag in Duesseldorf
1937 - Cavalry Day in Duesseldorf
1933 - Bild bericht Der NSDAP Schutzhaft lager Rossplatz kaserne In Halle
1933 - Picture report The NSDAP Schutzhaft camp Rossplatz barracks In Halle
Introducing Mein Kampf - from a documentary
This proves without doubt that Mein Kampf was circulated in the Reich as an offering of the expression of the philosophies of Adolf Hitler to the German people after his rise to power. Hitler was indeed a Christian, and never recanted. All of those who read the garbage spewed out by the jewish press today and believe that Hitler was anything but a Christian are simply deceived idiots!