Mein Kampf Project Video Library

The House of Rothschild

HouseOfRothschild.mp4 — Downloaded 1547 times

This is the 1934 movie by directed by Darryl Zanuck, acted by George Arliss, Boris Karloff, and Robert Young et al.  It is amazing, how the jews always tell on themselves, yet Christians still don't seem to understand.  The movie is mostly factual, but somewhat distorted.  For instance, Rothschild did not announce what he knew in advance about Napoleon.  Rather, he took advantage of that also, for his own gain.  Yet understood as a caricature of themselves, this movie is very telling.

The Internationale - sung by Barbara Scott

TheInternationalesungbyBarbaraScott.mp4 — Downloaded 3420 times

The Last Days of the Big Lie

TheLastDaysoftheBigLie.mp4 — Downloaded 44070 times

This is an excellent critical review of some of the trash coming out of Hollywood in their desperate attempts to uphold the "holocaust" lie.

The Last Days of the Big Lie - Revised

TheLastDaysoftheBigLie_Revised.mp4 — Downloaded 2202 times

This video seems to be a revision of the one we had found and posted here originally, for which see The Last Days of the Big Lie. This video is labelled "revised", but we really do not know which version is the latest, or if either represent an original. This version was found at Youtube.

We do not know anything about Eric Hunt, the maker of these videos. He is said to have filed a lawsuit against the Jewish perpetuator of a million lies, Steven Speilberg which, for good reason, was not well-received and rather criticized at CODOH. Not to say that Hunt had any bad intentions. We have frequently attempted, but cannot get to his websites, or One of Eric Hunt's sites which is up right now (December 5th, 2016) is Questioning the Holocaust.

The Life and Times of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu Life & Times.mp4 — Downloaded 22115 times


This video was originally posted on Youtube and appears here courtesy of Cultured-Thug.

Romanian politician Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was in 1923 the co-founder of a party called the National-Christian Defense League, a Christian nationalist organization, and later in 1927 founder and leader of a party called the Iron Guard. While he errantly believed that he himself was chosen by God to save Romania from the hands of the devil, he was certainly ahead of his time when he said that "A country has the Jews if deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins."

This is absolutely true. The modern Jews, who are the children of those who created ancient wonders such as Sodom and Gomorrah, are the world's oldest panderers. But they can only thrive when the societies which they infiltrate accept their sins, and are willing to join in them for themselves.

Finally achieving success in the elections of 1937, his rise to power was obstructed by the moderate Romanian King Carol II, upon which Codreanu was imprisoned and unlawfully assassinated by Romanian military police.

A PDF copy of an English translation of Codreanu's book, "For My Legionaries", as well as another video, Who is Corneliu Codreanu?, has been posted here since early 2010.

The Origins of Holocaustianity

The_Origins_of_Holocaustianity.mp4 — Downloaded 1035 times

We do not agree with the theory espoused in this video where it connects the Holocaust religion to Frank Collin. Elie Wiesel was publishing his lies long before Collin came alone, and I remember having to read his book, Night, in high school in 1975 - or maybe it was early 1976.

But the presenter does make some good points, and evidently Collin was also a Jew psy-op, being a Jew himself.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Video

TheProtocolsofTheLearnedEldersofZion.mp4 — Downloaded 9359 times

The Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press

SovietSubversionoftheFreeWorldPress.mp4 — Downloaded 2085 times

How the Western Media fell all over themselves to kiss Soviet ass and help the jews destroy Christendom.  And, of course, they are still doing it!  Yuri Bezmenov does not put it that way in this video, but that is certainly the result.

This is an interview, conducted by an American anti-communist, with Yuri Bezmenov, one of the highest ranking KGB defectors in the history of the Cold War... He talks about how American society and culture were subverted in the 1950s-1960s and how the results exceeded the wildest dreams of the communist elite in the Soviet Union.

The Truth About the Holocaust: Part 1

tath1.mp4 — Downloaded 1538 times

The Truth About the Holocaust: Part 2

tath2.mp4 — Downloaded 1160 times
