Satanic Jewish Communism

German Women and Children Raped by Soviet Hordes

Germans raped by Soviet Hordes.mp4 — Downloaded 3431 times

The History of the Frankfurt School

History of The Frankfurt School.mp4 — Downloaded 7754 times

The film never mentions the race of the members of the Frankfurt School, which in the long run adds to its value because it maintains it objectivity in that manner. We can mention the race of those destroyers of Western Civilization: they were all Jews. No wonder.

The Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press

SovietSubversionoftheFreeWorldPress.mp4 — Downloaded 2087 times

How the Western Media fell all over themselves to kiss Soviet ass and help the jews destroy Christendom.  And, of course, they are still doing it!  Yuri Bezmenov does not put it that way in this video, but that is certainly the result.

This is an interview, conducted by an American anti-communist, with Yuri Bezmenov, one of the highest ranking KGB defectors in the history of the Cold War... He talks about how American society and culture were subverted in the 1950s-1960s and how the results exceeded the wildest dreams of the communist elite in the Soviet Union.


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