Articles and Artifacts

What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1940 by Friedrich Stieve

This book is out-of-print and no longer available. The following text is from

Written by Germany’s foremost diplomatic historian of the early twentieth century, this work maps out all the numerous times that Adolf Hitler made unconditional offers of peace to all the nations of Europe—and how the major anti-German belligerents, France and Britain, turned down these offers each and every time.

The author lists all of Hitler’s offers in detail, complete with quotes, starting with his first offer of May 17, 1933, his second offer of December 18, 1933, his third offer of May 21, 1935, his fourth offer of March 31, 1936, his fifth offer of September 30, 1938, his sixth offer of December 6, 1938, his seventh offer of late 1939 to Poland to settle the Danzig Corridor issue peacefully, and finally, his offer of world peace on October 6, 1939, just over a month after Britain and France had declared war on Germany for invading Poland on September 1 (but not on the Soviet Union, which also invaded Poland on September 17).

This edition benefits from four new sections which did not appear in the original publication. These are:

– The full text of Hitler’s “Appeal for Peace and Sanity” speech, made before the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, following the fall of France. Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer, Churchill’s warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace;

– Hitler’s Political Testament, dictated just hours before his death on April 29, 1945, wherein he spelled out once again how he had tried to avoid the war, and blamed Jewish agitators for the refusal of other nations to accept his peace offers;

– Hermann Göring’s final letter—from this death cell in Nuremberg—to Winston Churchill, in which he blamed the latter’s warmongering on behalf of “Jewish Bolsheviks” for the conflict; and

– An extract from The Forrestal Diaries, in which the US Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal quotes British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain as complaining that “the world Jews” have forced England into the war.

Life in the Third Reich and The World Political Situation Then and Now

Life in the Third Reich and The World Political Situation Then and Now.
A speech by Friedrich Kurreck. English translation by Eric Thomson.

I am happy to inform you about our life in Hitler's time, for today's politicians and mass media are purposefully untruthful about that time. I am a Thüringer who grew up in a farming family with seven children, and I have vividly experienced Hitler's time. My profession is that of certified engineer, for which I began my studies in Thüringen. I had a scholarship, since my mother could not provide money for tuition after my father was killed by lightning. Under National Socialism, it was no problem for a member of a numerous family to obtain a scholarship plus living expenses. One had merely to fill out an application.

As the English, with genocide intent, began bombing German cities' populations of civilian men, women, children and elderly, I volunteered for the Air Force to become a pilot in order to shoot down the English terror bombers. In the course of the war, I served as pilot in a fighter squadron. After my imprisonment, I returned to my home in Thüringen, but I had to flee to West Germany, because my friends and others were being grabbed by the Communist criminals, never to return.

I completed my studies in West Germany, while earning my own living expenses. After six years of professional activities, I secured a position as chief engineer in a large West German industrial enterprise. I later founded my own development firm whose many inventions and developments enabled me to create many jobs for Germans.

Today's decline in nearly every area of German society stems from the continual failures of the postwar political system and its politicians. Postwar West Germany was rebuilt by us, the young, former soldiers who returned from imprisonment, along with the men and women of our homeland. There were also many old and fit business managers who had, during the war, managed to increase war production under the hail of English and American bombs. All of us wanted to rebuild our Germany in the spirit of German unity. The BRD (Federal Republic of Germany) was presented to us as provisional, until the re-establishment of Germany. Today, the established politicians of all stripes tacitly take this provisional, unconstitutional BRD as permanent. No established politician of today has ever acknowledged this unacceptable situation for the future. The German Reich still has its legitimate existence. It is just not functioning! The fate of our politicians whom we elected in 1933 is generally known; the Nuremberg Judgements were blatant injustice!

Encyclopaedia Britannica on Nazis, 1947

The following is the full text of the article for Nazi from Volume 16 of the 1947 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Note that there is not one word of a Holocaust, a genocide of Jews, or any of the other countless slanders heard today.  Included below are images of the original pages, click on each to enlarge.

NAZI, a popular abbreviation for a member of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workingmen’s party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitpartei, commonly designated by its initials, NSDAP). The nickname originated from the German pronunciation of the first two syllables of “National.” The Nazi party was formed by Hitler and six comrades at Munich in 1920. Its original program, drawn up by Gottfried Feder, comprised 25 points. Six of these have been more or less completely realized: equal rights among nations for the German people and abolition of the Versailles treaty restrictions; exclusion of Jews from German political, economic and cultural life; abolition of the “corrupting” parliamentary system of many parties; the replacement of the professional army by a people’s army; regimentation of the press, which must be exclusively in the hands of Germans, to prevent “deliberate political lies,” and of art and literature, to prevent all tendencies disruptive of German life; and the creation of a strong central government. Six points have been partly carried out: restriction of the immigration of non-Germans who immigrated since Aug. 2, 1914; replacement of “materialistic” Roman by German common law; an open road to higher education for all capable Germans; confiscation of war profits; unsparing prosecution of all who injure the common well-being, such as common criminals, usurers and profiteers; and the promotion of health, physical training and sports. Two points are still blocked by Germany’s neighbours: the union of all Germans (outside Germany) and more land, including colonies. Five socialistic points seem to be tacitly abandoned, although there is some agitation for them: abolition of unearned income and the breaking of “slavery interest”; nationalization of trusts; profit-sharing in big business; municipalization of big department stores in the interests of the small shopkeeper; and the expropriation of land for the common good. One point advocates “positive Christianity,” without binding the party to any particular creed, but also combats “Jewish materialistic spirit”; in practice minor sects have been suppressed, and Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists have been severely restricted. The remaining points are vague or of minor importance.

This Nazi program has never been officially revised, but it is no longer of prime importance, and its author, Gottfried Feder, has been shelved with a sinecure. Today, just as Christians draw their faith from the Bible and the words of Jesus, so Nazis find the expression of their faith and beliefs in Hitler’s book, My Battle (Mein Kampf), and in his speeches and decrees.

Speer's "Inside the Third Reich" is Useless Drivel

If merely the Foreword of Albert Speer's 1969 memoir Inside the Thrid Reich is little but useless drivel, the book cannot be trusted. Here we will add some comments following the various paragraphs in Speer's Foreword to his book, as it was translated into English by Richard and Clara Winston and published by The MacMillan Company.

Speer begins:

The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche



The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression to discuss an article from a February, 1936 issue of The Catholic Gazette, one of several Catholic newspapers in Britain in the 1930’s which had been attempting to warn people concerning The Jewish Peril, as the article was titled. Doing this, we found a modern-day critic of such literature in Ulrike Ehret, who has recently written a book titled Church, Nation and Race: Catholics and Antisemitism in Germany and England, 1918-45. While Ehret dismisses any possibility of a conspiracy of the Jews to attain world supremacy, which they have indeed since acquired – whether she notices it or not – she nevertheless corroborates for us the existence and influence of much of this type of anti-Jewish literature at that early time. As we had said, Ehret is not our friend, however her research was useful to us in that regard.

So before our latest digression, presenting Protocol No. 2 we spent considerable time in part 19 of this series discussing some aspects of the fulfillment of the boast that “The administrators chosen by us from among the people in accordance with their capacity for servility will not be experienced in the art of government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scientists and wise counselors, specialists trained from early childhood for governing the world.”

Responding to this, we explained that it certainly explains why so many men of seemingly average or even low intelligence are regularly promoted to run for the highest political offices in the nation. We can readily hold up as examples Barack Obama, George W. Bush, John McCain, Al Gore, and countless other incompetent clowns now occupying the world stage. For instance, on the trail of his first campaign Barack Obama boasted of having visited “57 states… with one left to go”, discounting Alaska and Hawaii. However there are only 48 contiguous states in the United States. How could Obama think that the United States had 60 states? Not that he was ever really an American...

For more see The Protocols of Satan, Part 21 at

The Never-ending Story

The Holocaust, the greatest lie ever invented, will never run out of innocent Jewish victims or evil Nazi perpetrators so long as there is one German - or even one White European - remaining in existence.

The lying Jews have now obtained the latest victim of their 100-year scam. (Yes, the "Holocaust" actually began nearly 20 years before Hitler came to power.) We pity 89-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, whom the Jews have had in their sites for years, and who is now unjustly imprisoned in Pennsylvania.

Notice that Fox News interviews negresses on the street professing that Breyer deserves this treatment, and as if their opinions could actually matter, as if they actually know anything at all.

Also notice that the government spokeswoman knows a great deal about supposed holocaust "victims" who have never been shown to actually exist.

Putin Enacts Laws Glorifying Soviet History and Benefitting Jewish Holocaust Lies

Vladimir Putin has just made it illegal to question any aspect of the Holocaust in Russia, with a penalty of 5 years imprisonment for those who do so. Under a new law, not only is it illegal to question any official report concerning Soviet history during the Second World War. It is also illegal to question the official reports concerning the verdicts of the Nuremburg trials. Therefore the innumerable Jewish lies concerning the so-called Holocaust are upheld by law in Putin's Russia.

This is recently reported by the Ukranian news agency Unian (we apologize for the imperfect Google translation):

In Russia criminal liability introduced for rehabilitation of Nazism

Putin's regime continues to heroize history of the USSR.

For the rehabilitation of Nazism in Russia threatens punishment of 5 years imprisonment.

According to the press service of the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

According to the document, criminal liability for the rehabilitation of Nazism spread false information about the activities of the Soviet Union in World War II, and the denial of the facts established by the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

It is emphasized that the law is aimed at countering attempted assaults on historical memory of events that took place during the Second World War.

"Federal law is introduced criminal responsibility for denying the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis countries, the approval of the offenses established in the said judgment, as well as the dissemination of false information about the activities of the Soviet Union in World War II" - the document says.

Thus, increased criminal liability is assumed by the mentioned act, if committed by a person using his official position, using the media or from the fabrication of prosecution evidence.

In general, the following are punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment.

Recall As UNIAN reported earlier, in the Luhansk Oblast of the Russian neo-Nazi arrested on anti-Ukrainian propaganda materials. It was determined that the detainee is a member of the group of neo-Nazis - skinheads "Slavs". When it was discovered than with a swastika SS, metal chain and propaganda leaflets "Donbass arise."

This article was first located at the Ukranian website Ukrainian Truth, Historical Truth

Confirmation is now found here:

Here is a story from when the initial bill was introduced:

Here is an announcement when the bill was passed, from Russia Today:

The "Super-Race" of anti-semitic Germans and their pitiable victims the Jews, in 1915?

All of the lies and propaganda of the parasitical war-mongering Jews which was effective against Germans during and after the Second World War had already been tried in the First.

From The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, December 4th 1915 (with a few spelling corrections):

"According to information from Russia, the condition of the Jews in Poland is daily getting worse. Russian Poland contains a larger number of Jews than all the countries of the world together, and those six millions of Russian and Polish Jews are today the most pitiable victims of that race hatred and that race fanaticism which have been the creed of Germany and which have been too often propagated by the Jewish publicists themselves. Anti-Semitism has been rife in every country, but only in Germany has it been preached as a systematic doctrine. The same national historian, Treitschke, who was the champion of Prussian militarism, has also been the father of German anti-Semitism. And yet leading Jews like Miximilan Harden, Dernberg, and Wolff are still defending the righteous German war, and are still loyal to the Super-race."

Courtesy of our friend Otto S.
