Hans Schmidt - Living in Hitler's Germany

Hans_Schmidt_Living-in-Hitlers-Germany.mp4 — Downloaded 20445 times


From the WVradioman channel on Bitchute:

This is a wonderfully written document that appeared in a monthly newsletter written by the late Hans Schmidt, which was called "GANPAC" (German-American National Political Action Committee), and describes a view-point of Germany's National Socialism, as seen through the eyes of a German of a person who lived, worked and fought for his country, during the days of Germany's re-birth / renaissance.

We need to also remember., that the "Western point-of-view" of National Socialist Germany has been generated from a Jewish view-point, and that what we have seen of Germany (via the Jewish owned / controlled "main stream media") is through the eyes of Jews who hated National Socialism (for cutting them off from their parasitic, corruptive AND profiteering ways), and wanted to completely overthrow the German people, so they could again, control AND profit from the German people once more!!