Welcome to the Mein Kampf project at Christogenea.org

Here we shall endeavor to accomplish three goals. First, we shall present the entire James Murphy translation of Mein Kampf, remaining faithful to the page numbering and type styles of that volume even if aesthetics suffers a bit for it. Then we will also present papers, as an ongoing project, demonstrating that Adolf Hitler was a good Christian man who cared deeply about his race, and followed the examples of Christ rather than just the lip-service found in modern churches, for better or for worse. Lastly, we will publish whatever other worthy papers we can possibly obtain in order to set the record straight in reference to certain historical events, and others which are supposedly historical. It may take some time to attain these goals for this project, however God willing, we will indeed attain them.

It is not the holocaust deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom in this world. It is the Christ deniers who are a danger to truth and freedom!


 "Judea" Declares War On Germany

 A facsimile of the original 1933 British newspaper making the announcement - 6 years before Germany entered Poland. The blood of the war is on the hands of the jews.

Click the image below to see the full size

In the video below, Adolf Hitler reveals that it was the internationalist jew lobbying to plunge Europe into all-out war - as they also did in 1914. He then calls on Jehovah (Yahweh), the God of the Bible, to destroy the wicked jew. Such indeed is the promise of Christianity! Learn the truth about Christianity at Christogenea.org.

There were NO Civilian Extermination Facilities at Auschwitz - The Red Cross

It is a fact that one of our delegates was able to enter this camp. He approached the Commandant with a view to arranging a scheme of possible relief consignments for the civilian prisoners there. According to his impression, the camp was a type of "extensive concentration camp" where the detainees were compelled to do various kinds of work, including work outside the camp. Our delegate told us that he had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This fact corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources, i.e., that for several months there had been no further exterminations at Auschwitz. At all events, this is not a camp containing exclusively Jews....

The "holocaust" was mostly Soviet and jewish war propaganda, but it is certainly not history. 

Freedom or Slavery by The Austrian Painter, AI Edition

The title above is meant to be social media friendly. This speech, and trhe text below, was originally posted at Youtube. The notice concerning copyright was with the original posting, which has since been removed. We are preserving the effort here. 

This is the full speech "Freedom or Slavery" given by Adolf Hitler on July 28th, 1922 in Munich, Germany @ The Bürgerbräukeller Beer Hall. The words are the EXACT words spoken by Adolf Hitler during the speech. They have NOT been altered.