The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche



The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression to discuss an article from a February, 1936 issue of The Catholic Gazette, one of several Catholic newspapers in Britain in the 1930’s which had been attempting to warn people concerning The Jewish Peril, as the article was titled. Doing this, we found a modern-day critic of such literature in Ulrike Ehret, who has recently written a book titled Church, Nation and Race: Catholics and Antisemitism in Germany and England, 1918-45. While Ehret dismisses any possibility of a conspiracy of the Jews to attain world supremacy, which they have indeed since acquired – whether she notices it or not – she nevertheless corroborates for us the existence and influence of much of this type of anti-Jewish literature at that early time. As we had said, Ehret is not our friend, however her research was useful to us in that regard.

So before our latest digression, presenting Protocol No. 2 we spent considerable time in part 19 of this series discussing some aspects of the fulfillment of the boast that “The administrators chosen by us from among the people in accordance with their capacity for servility will not be experienced in the art of government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scientists and wise counselors, specialists trained from early childhood for governing the world.”

Responding to this, we explained that it certainly explains why so many men of seemingly average or even low intelligence are regularly promoted to run for the highest political offices in the nation. We can readily hold up as examples Barack Obama, George W. Bush, John McCain, Al Gore, and countless other incompetent clowns now occupying the world stage. For instance, on the trail of his first campaign Barack Obama boasted of having visited “57 states… with one left to go”, discounting Alaska and Hawaii. However there are only 48 contiguous states in the United States. How could Obama think that the United States had 60 states? Not that he was ever really an American...

For more see The Protocols of Satan, Part 21 at

Occult Forces, a 1943 National Socialist Anti-Freemasonry Film, with English Subtitles


From HourOfDecision777's YouTube channel

Following WW2, the film's writer, Jean-Marie Rivière, was imprisoned. Its producer, Robert Muzard, and director, Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy), were EXECUTED (+1949) for their part in the production of this film. "Occult Forces" was the last film Riche directed before his unjust execution.

Tagline: Les mystères de la francomaçonnerie pour le premier fois dévoilés à l'écran. (The mysteries of Freemasonry revealed for the first time on screen

Plot: The film recounts the life of a young député who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-american nations to encourage France into a war against Germany.

Titanic - A 1943 NS film

The Titanic - 1943 NS film.mp4 — Downloaded 27941 times

Published on Apr 15, 2012

This version also has the original movie trailer at the beginning. The trailer is not translated to English, but the movie itself is captioned/translated into English.

Songs at the beginning and end of the movie were sung by Kirsten Heiberg, one of the stars of the movie and who was very popular in Germany during the war.

Titanic makes the allegory of the liner's loss specifically about British avarice rather than, as most Titanic retellings do, about general human arrogance and presumption. This fit in with other works of anti-British propaganda of the time such as My life for Ireland and Der Fuchs von Glenarvon; however, the scenes of British and French panic and desperation undermined this effect, while scenes of steerage passengers separated by crew members and desperately searching for their loved ones through locked gates and a chain link fence bore an uncanny resemblance to what was happening in German concentration camps during that time, contributing to its ban by Goebbels.

The film was shot on board the SS Cap Arcona, a passenger cruise ship which itself was sunk a few days before the end of World War II by the Royal Air Force on May 3, 1945, with loss of life far heavier than that on the actual Titanic. The scenes with the lifeboats were filmed on the Baltic Sea and some of the interior scenes were shot in Tobis Studios.

Titanic was the most expensive German production up until that time and endured many production difficulties, including a clash of egos, massive creative differences and general war-time frustrations. After one week of troubled shooting on the Cap Arcona, Herbert Selpin called a crisis meeting where he made unflattering comments about the Kriegsmarine officers, who were more concerned with molesting the female cast members rather than doing their job as marine consultants of the film. His close friend and co-writer of the script, Walter Zerlett-Olfenius, reported him to the Gestapo and Selpin was promptly arrested and personally questioned by Joseph Goebbels, who was the driving force behind the Titanic project. Within twenty-four hours of his arrest, Herbert Selpin was found hanged in his jail cell, which was ruled a suicide. The cast and crew were angry and attempted to retaliate, but were quickly silenced with fear for their own safety. The unfinished film, the production of which spiraled wildly out control, was in the end completed by Werner Klingler.

The premiere was supposed to be in early 1943, but the theatre that housed the answer print was bombed the night before the big event. The film went on to have a lacklustre premiere in Paris around Christmas of that same year, but in the end, Goebbels banned it altogether, stating that the German people, at that point going through almost nightly Allied bombing raids, were less than enthusiastic about seeing a film that portrayed mass death and panic.

Titanic was re-discovered in 1949, but was quickly banned in most western countries. After the fifties, the film went back into obscurity, sometimes showing on German television. But in 1992, a censored, low quality VHS copy, was released in Germany. This version deleted the strongest propaganda scenes, which immensely watered down its controversial content.

The issue of capitalism and the stock market plays a dominant role throughout the movie. The hero of the film is fictional German First Officer Herr Petersen (played by Hans Nielsen) on the ill-fated voyage of the British ocean liner RMS Titanic in 1912. He begs the ship's rich and snobbish owners to slow down the ship's speed, but they refuse and the Titanic hits an iceberg and sinks. The passengers in first class are shown to be sleazy cowards while Petersen, his lover Sigrid Olinsky (Sybille Schmitz), and other German passengers in steerage are shown as brave and kind. Peterson manages to rescue many passengers, convince Sigrid to get into a lifeboat (in a scene which was famously echoed in the 1997 film) and saves a young girl, who was obviously left to die in her cabin by an uncaring, callous British capitalist mother. The film ends with the British Inquiry into the disaster, where Peterson testifies against Bruce Ismay, condemning his actions, but Ismay is cleared of all charges and the blame is placed squarely on the deceased Captain Smith's shoulders. The epilogue states that "the deaths of 1,500 people remains un-atoned, forever a testament of Britain's endless quest for profit."

Herbert Selpin, Werner Klingler

Herbert Selpin, Walter Zerlett-Olfenius

Principal Cast:
Sybille Schmitz (Sigrid Olinsky),
Hans Nielsen (1st Officer Peterson),
Kirsten Heiberg (Gloria),
Ernst Fritz Furbringer (Sir Bruce Ismay),
Karl Schonbock (John Jacob Astor),
Charlotte Thiele (Lady Astor),
Otto Wernicke (Capt. Edward J. Smith)

1943, under the direction of the Reich Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels

National Socialist Youth Movement in the Netherlands


Putin Enacts Laws Glorifying Soviet History and Benefitting Jewish Holocaust Lies

Vladimir Putin has just made it illegal to question any aspect of the Holocaust in Russia, with a penalty of 5 years imprisonment for those who do so. Under a new law, not only is it illegal to question any official report concerning Soviet history during the Second World War. It is also illegal to question the official reports concerning the verdicts of the Nuremburg trials. Therefore the innumerable Jewish lies concerning the so-called Holocaust are upheld by law in Putin's Russia.

This is recently reported by the Ukranian news agency Unian (we apologize for the imperfect Google translation):

In Russia criminal liability introduced for rehabilitation of Nazism

Putin's regime continues to heroize history of the USSR.

For the rehabilitation of Nazism in Russia threatens punishment of 5 years imprisonment.

According to the press service of the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law "On amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

According to the document, criminal liability for the rehabilitation of Nazism spread false information about the activities of the Soviet Union in World War II, and the denial of the facts established by the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

It is emphasized that the law is aimed at countering attempted assaults on historical memory of events that took place during the Second World War.

"Federal law is introduced criminal responsibility for denying the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis countries, the approval of the offenses established in the said judgment, as well as the dissemination of false information about the activities of the Soviet Union in World War II" - the document says.

Thus, increased criminal liability is assumed by the mentioned act, if committed by a person using his official position, using the media or from the fabrication of prosecution evidence.

In general, the following are punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment.

Recall As UNIAN reported earlier, in the Luhansk Oblast of the Russian neo-Nazi arrested on anti-Ukrainian propaganda materials. It was determined that the detainee is a member of the group of neo-Nazis - skinheads "Slavs". When it was discovered than with a swastika SS, metal chain and propaganda leaflets "Donbass arise."

This article was first located at the Ukranian website Ukrainian Truth, Historical Truth

Confirmation is now found here:

Here is a story from when the initial bill was introduced:

Here is an announcement when the bill was passed, from Russia Today:

Premature Holocausts: Reports of "Six Million Jews", 1915 to 1938

SIX_MILLION_JEWS_1915-1938_HD.mp4 — Downloaded 28085 times

There were countless reports of the persecution of "6 Million Jews" in Europe long before a shot was ever fired in the Second World War, and none of them had anything to do with those "evil Nazis"!!! When will Whites ever learn, that World Jewry is a crime ring, and primary among their specialties are pandering, agitation and extortion?

This video is courtesy of TheTrans22 Youtube channel, thank you!

Russia. No. 1 (1919).

Russia. No. 1 (1919). A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia.

These are a collection of reports mostly from British diplomatic and military personnel stationed in Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, which were made to the British Foreign Office in London. They also reveal the Jewsih nature of Bolshevism. Some of the reports also come from private citizens and other witnesses in Russia who were later interviewed by British officials.

This report details the horrors of the Bolshevik (so-called) Revolution and the crimes of the Jews who were its chief leaders, participants, and perpetrators, and their destruction of Christian Russia.This report had a very narrow distribution and is therefore quite rare. The Jews and the western media which they control  have misrepresented the nature of the Bolshevik Revolution from the very beginning, and to this day they suppress the accounts and records of its horrors. For that same reason they have always sought to suppress this report.

This is an internet first: this report has, so far as we can find, never before been made available to the general public in an accurate and readable  format. (There is a copy at which is hardly usable, having been scanned and OCR'd but never edited.) A facsimile of the original report has been available at for over two years. Now an HTML version of the full text and a newly typeset PDF version reproducing the original text are also available.

German Wehrmacht Soldiers of World War II Tell a Different Side of the Story.


Below: A slightly longer clip of the same video, added here January 7th, 2024:

New World Order Pledged To Jews

The video above is courtesy of TheTrans22 Youtube channel, thank you!

Self-fulfilling Jewish propaganda, crocodile tears included (wmfinck):


Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here


English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S. S. Wise New Statement on Question After War

In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of “justice and peace.” ...

Memorandum on Certain Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in Russia - A U.S. Government Report from 1919

This report, the Memorandum on Certain Aspects of the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, is an extensive report from the U.S. State Department originally made to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives by Robery Lansing, Secretary of State in the Wilson Administration.

The purpose of this report is detailed in its own Foreword as follows: "The memorandum has been prepared from original sources by the Division of Russian Affairs of the Department of State. As you will see, the statements are based almost entirely on translations from Bolshevist newspapers. These include the official organs of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets, of local Soviet committees, and of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The Bolsheviks' own statements are supplemented by the reports of American representatives."

This report, published here at Christogenea in December 2011, is is an internet first: this report has, so far as we can find, never before been made available to the general public until we were able to post it here.

Adolf Hitler on Globalism

SB20101205Hitler-Globalism.mp3 — Downloaded 28879 times

Previous Website Downloads: 


Program Notes:

We saw in the pages of Nesta Webster, that “Internationalism” was a jewish agenda from the very beginning. “International” socialism and “International” capitalism are trumpeted as polar opposites, yet they are both products of the same jew. Here we shall see that Hitler esteemed them to be one and the same. Hitler knew much more about the jew than most modern people know today, because most modern people are still deceived by the jew!

The audio file for this podcast was replaced with higher-quality copy on March 15th, 2017.


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